In its ongoing mission to provide a focused and enriching academic environment, Army and Navy Academy has announced a new Personal Electronics Policy designed to limit the use of cell phones and personal electronic devices during the academic day and evening hours. This initiative reflects the Academy’s dedication to maximizing Cadets' academic experience while instilling discipline and responsibility.
The updated policy prohibits the use of cell phones, smartwatches, AirPods, and other personal electronic devices in academic buildings, classrooms, the dining hall, and the chapel during the academic day. Cadets in good behavioral standing may use their cell phones, personal computers, and gaming systems during designated evening hours. Authorized usage zones include Cadet rooms, company barracks areas, and specific recreational spaces, such as Bliss Café and the Senior Lawn however, devices remain prohibited in the Mess Hall. Cadets who fail to meet behavioral or academic standards may face restrictions, ensuring privileges are a reflection of personal accountability.
The Academy recognizes the vital role parents play in supervising electronic usage. Parents are encouraged to collaborate with cellular carriers to set data limits or time-based restrictions for their Cadets. In addition, the Academy has outlined clear protocols for emergencies, allowing Cadets or parents to quickly connect via designated Academy resources.
Please refer to the attached linked policy for specific details.
Army and Navy Academy remains committed to preparing Cadets for college and beyond by instilling the values of responsibility, focus, and respect for structure. The updated electronic device policy reinforces these principles and underscores the Academy’s commitment to excellence. For additional information about the policy, please contact LTC Roland Miraco at 760-547-5198 or